Express confidently in English language

by 01:56 0 comments
Learning a language cannot be excluded from learning the culture of speaking from where the language has originated from.

Thus in foreign-language teaching situation this can be challenging, since culture includes different aspects of how the native speaker uses gestures and expressions, how they stand or sit or greet, or converse with younger people and the older ones. Along with that culture also includes how joy or grief is expressed, or which sort of voice and tones are used to communicate humor or anger, what are the commonly used phrases and expressions.

These aspects of language are usually ignored when dealing with learning a foreign-language in the standard way of learning, where we focus mostly on grammar and structure of the language. Learners don’t get in contact with the above cultural aspects of language in their common conversations inside classrooms.

DRAMA (as studies have proved) is a way of blending the above issues naturally in a language-learning-classroom. It actually enables the participants to use English language contextually and meaningfully, in order to express their emotions.

Helen O’Grady Developmental Drama Academy has the curriculum devised as such that it fulfills the above deficiency from the language-learning classroom and enables students to communicate their emotions more effectively and confidently in English language in-front of people.

Example: We have a segment in our lesson known as ‘Crazy Conversation’ where participants in pairs are asked to pretend as objects (paint-brush and paint paint-bucket), and given 5 minutes max to create a humorous conversation between them which shouldn’t last for more than 60 seconds.

To develop such skills proficiently enroll in the Helen O’Grady programme and feel the difference. To know more about us, please visit:,,, or call us at: 021-32640288 / 0322-2748204.

Helen O'Grady


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