Let Your Child Shine

by 02:07 0 comments

Can you see the difference between the apples above? Which one do you think is better?

Actually, both apples are identical and absolutely the same. Even the nutritional value of both the apples is equal, but if one had to choose, then yes, most certainly the apple on the left, is BRIGHT and SHINY and certainly the one we'd all go for.

Confidence gives the personality vibrancy, COLOR and sheen that makes it stand out in a crowd. Parents are willing to go to all heights to polish the personality of their children, to help them shine and see them as the apple of their eyes.

To boost the confidence level and enhance communication skills, Helen O’Grady Academy introduces developmental drama classes for children. The academy provides a range of programs for different age groups.

Drama provides a platform for students to experiment with their skills and get them set to face crowds. Verbal communication skills are important in today’s modern world where people have to interact with different kinds of people. It helps to make new friends, builds confidence and also provides an occasion to think creatively. It helps students overcome the fear of public appearances.

Our Drama Academy provides various skills that see students navigate smoothly through the challenges of life. At Helen O'Grady Drama Academy we provide secure environment for positive learning programs. Please visit our website to get your child enrolled at our drama academy. http://helenogrady.com.pk/

Helen O'Grady


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